Robin Hood series 1 : AudiobooksThe first four episodes of Robin Hood have been published as novels and Richard Armitage has recorded audiobooks of all of them.
His voice as Gisborne isn't quite the same in the audiobook recording as it is in the TV series. "Trying to portray the character of Gisborne in an audiobook was actually quite different from when we come to shoot it because there is the visual representation on film which tells the story in itself. Without that, you only have the voice to express all of that evil and intention, so it was a question of just turning up the volume on all the details that I use physically and trying to get that into the voice." [1]
"This is one of the first audio-books that I’ve ever recorded and I have to say it was extremely hard work but great fun; I really really enjoyed it and trying to do all the voices," he said. "It’s been a great experience in storytelling for me so hopefully I’ll do another one." [2] The four audiobooks each contain part of an interview with Richard Armitage in which he talks about Robin Hood and his role in it. The titles are:
(At Amazon USA the audiobooks are available as audio downloads.) For those in Australia, the ABC Shop has a set of the four audiobooks. UK residents can buy and download the four audiobooks from iTunes. They cost £7.95 each.
Sources [1] Interview on Robin Hood audiobook, "Parent Hood"
Robin Hood series 1 : Introduction | Playing Guy of Gisborne, page 1, page 2 | Video clips |
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