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Spooks series 7 : Pictures

Episode 5 - On the Brink

Richard Armitage and Peter Firth in Spooks
Lucas briefs the Chanceller of the Exchequer on the danger posed by Alexis Meynell to the British economy.
On the phone to the Chancellor. An anonymous email has spread a rumour that the Highland Life bank is in trouble. Lucas is certain that Meynell sent the email, and he asks the Chancellor to freeze his assets. But she won't do it until she has proof of his involvement.
Lucas tells Jo to contact Ros, who's working undercover at Meynell Holdings. He wants Ros to get evidence that Meynell sent the anonymous email.
Lucas and Jo overhear Malcolm on the phone - his life savings are with Highland Life and he stands to lose everything if the bank goes down.
Ros has managed to smuggle out a copy of the SIM card from Meynell's phone. Lucas asks Malcolm to search it for traces of the anonymous email. But there's no sign of it.
Lucas notices that Jo seems uncomfortable and asks if she's alright.
He's unconvinced by her assurances that she's fine.
On his way to meet Ros at Meynell Holdings, Lucas receives bad news from Harry...
Waiting for Ros at Meynell Holdings.
Posing as her fiance, Lucas updates Ros on the crisis. He needs her to get more information from Meynell.
Meynell approaches. He's seen them on the CCTV.
Keeping up the pretence.
Talking to Meynell.
Lucas pretends he's a banker. Meynell invites him to the launch of his charitable foundation that evening.
As they arrive at the event, Ros tells Lucas what she's discovered about Meynell's plans.
Listening to Meynell's speech.
He spots Asa Darlek, Meynell's right hand man. He's sure he's seen him somewhere before.
As Meynell turns away to take a drink from a waitress...
...Lucas deftly removes his wallet...
...and passes it to Ben.
There's a sudden commotion as the waitress (Jo, working undercover) drops her tray of drinks. She's seen a guest whom she mistakes for the man who raped her some months previously.
"Allow me," says Lucas, and he goes to help the 'waitress'.
He takes her out into the kitchen, followed by Ben. They remove the security card from Meynell's wallet, which Ben will later use to log in to Meynell's computer.
"I think I know what happened. And if there is a problem, you need to talk to Harry."
City banker with Aston Martin.
Ben is calling to tell Lucas what he's just found on Meynell's computer. There's a Russian connection.
City banker speeds off to Russian ex-wife in Aston Martin.
Elizabeta brings him information about Asa Darlek...
...and Lucas realises that Darlek will have recognised him from Moscow.
"Lucas, I need to talk to you - it's important."
"I'm in the middle of an operation. I can't do this now."
"Don't use me Lucas. Unless you know you can give me everything."
She leaves.
Malcolm has unearthed some worrying information about Highland Life.
Harry admits to Lucas that he knew what Sugarhorse was. "I need you to remember everything that happened at the time it was mentioned."
"Do you know what they were doing to me when it was mentioned?"
"I was tortured for 17 days. Continuously."

He's furious that Harry wants him to put himself back to that time, without telling him anything about what he was tortured for.
"There are limits to what you can ask of people, Harry - even in our business."
His parting shot to Harry as he leaves is to tell him he ought to talk to Jo.
"You probably haven't noticed, but she's in trouble over what happened. A lot of trouble."
Later, Lucas explains to Harry that Asa Darlek has recognised him, thus putting Ros, who's still undercover with Meynell, in danger.
The chancellor of the Exchequer comes to see Harry and Lucas.
She tells them that what Darlek is threatening to do will not only bring down Highland Life...
...but could also seriously damage the UK economy. MI5 must find a way out of the situation.
That night, Lucas remembers some of what happened when he was being tortured - the word 'palomnik' (pilgrim) was mentioned several times.
He returns to the Grid and asks the MI5 Registry to send him any files on 'palomnik' or 'pilgrim'.
The next morning, Lucas and Ben are undercover at Meynell Holdings in support of Ros. She has a plan to foil Meynell and Darlek's plot to destroy Highland Life and the economy.
Ros in danger...
Lucas and Ben rush to rescue her.
But Ros has rescued herself.
"You two should work out more," she tells them as she leaves.
Back on the Grid later, Lucas expresses admiration for what she had to do to win Meynell's trust.
Elizabeta phones. But Lucas lets the call go unanswered.
Ben brings him a file on 'Palomnik' sent up by the Registry.
Lucas asks him to tell Personnel that "Elizabeta Starkova is no longer to be used as an asset."
Lucas takes the Palomnik file to Harry.
He explains that when his torturers thought he was out cold, they kept talking about "palomnik". "I thought it might be the name of an operation, or an asset that betrayed me." But the MI5 file on Palomnik means nothing to him. He gives it to Harry.
Harry immediately understands its significance. He is horrified.

"Harry?... Are you alright?... Harry?"
There's no answer.



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