Act1 Sc2
Duncan: Who comes here? Malcolm: The worthy Thane of Rosse.
Act1 Sc2: Rosse, Angus, Donalbain, Malcolm.
Duncan: No more that Thane of Cawdor shall deceive | our bosom
interest. - Go pronounce his present death | and with his former
title greet Macbeth.
Rosse: I'll see it done.
Act 1 Sc 3: Angus, Rosse, Macbeth.
Angus: We are sent | To give thee from our royal master thanks |
Only to herald thee into his sight | Not pay thee.
Act 1 Sc 3: Angus, Rosse.
Angus: Who was the Thane lives yet; | But under heavy judgement
bears that life | Which he deserves to lose.
Act 1 Sc 3: Angus, Banquo, Rosse.
Banquo: Look, how our partner's rapt.
Act 1 Sc 3: Angus, Banquo, Rosse.
Banquo: New honours come upon him | Like our strange garments,
cleave not to their mould | But with the aid of use.
Act 1 Sc 4: [Singing] "Te Deum Laudamus"
Act 3 Sc 1: Angus in attendance, Macbeth, Lady Macbeth.
Macbeth: Let every man be master of his time | Till seven at night;
| To make society the sweeter welcome, | We will keep ourself till
supper time alone: | While then, God be with you.
Act 5 Sc 2 : Soldier, Menteth, Lennox, Angus
Angus: Near Birnam Wood | shall we meet them; that way are they going. |